
Friday, May 30, 2014

Mathematical moments...magic!

What a fun and simple activity to spark interest in mathematical develop understanding of one to one correspondence, number recognition and counting in sequence.  

Magical maths moments! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A day in the life...

Waikohu lines up our kindergarten family photos and then begins to draw pictures of her family.

Working out how to use the camera and taking photos of friends.

Playing co-operatively.

Working hard on solving puzzles.

Early literacy using pens and pencils.

Pirates on an adventure together.


Making puddles in the sandpit and jumping in them.

                Setting challenges on the monkey bars.

 Loving carpentry.

                                                     Building houses for the animals.

Exploring numbers...technological whizz kids.

 Fostering curiosity...hunting for bugs.

Sensory play!

Exploration through the senses!

Feel how it falls from your fingers....

Sensory play has many learning and developmental benefits for our tamariki. 

Pushing and pulling

Sinking fingers
Opportunities to engage in sensory play offers the tamariki to develop and refine many of their skill sets from problem solving and decision making to boosting confidence and self esteem!

 There are opportunities to develop and build on descriptive and expressive language while building social skills as they co-operate and collaborate with peers.

Gloop is especially inviting...for children and adults moment it's solid, and the next its a's great to play with!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Our fruit forest is growing.....

Our fruit forest is growing.... we planted another two donated feijoa trees. Yay! on PhotoPeach


The Magic of Harvesting and Eating the Vegetable Garden

The magic of harvesting and eating the garden on PhotoPeach

Friday, May 2, 2014

Purea Nei

A lot of people have requested the words to the waiata Purea Nei...and here it is.

Purea Nei is a beautiful waiata that we have been learning with the tamariki.                                       It is based on a Ngapuhi proverb - 'Hoki kia purea koe e nga hau o ou maunga, kia horoia koe e te ua'

Purea Nei was developed into a song by Henare Mahanga of Ngati Hine. Hirinini Melbourne modified this song for Kiwi Tuteao, one of his students a Waikato University.  Kiwi was blind and also going through a lot of adversity at the time, and came to Hirini for support.

(Taken from nei/index.html