
Monday, November 17, 2014

Beach Night 2014

The weather held out and it was an awesome night down at the lucky to have this beautiful resource at our back door.

A big thank you to children, friends and whanau for making it such a special and fun occasion, you rock!

Check out the video below to view more photos...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Visiting local Schools

Transitions are times when children move between and adapt to different people, experiences, expectations and routines such as leaving early childhood education and starting full time school (NQS-PLP, 70).  

Today we visited two of our local schools - Ruakaka Primary School and One Tree Point School. This allowed us the opportunity to continue to develop and foster a positive and strong partnership with our local schools while also offering the children an opportunity to become familiar with their future school environment and re-establish relationships with friends and family who are already at school. Not to mention an opportunity to meet their friendly new school teachers!

These were the children's words on the bus on the way...

"We're going to school aye, that's the way to my house"

"We don't need our mums aye. we know this way"

"I can't wait to go to school. It's soooo exciting"

"This is my school!"

It was clear to see the excitement on the children's faces and in their voices!

These visits offer an opportunity to share stories with the children on an ongoing basis about going to school, encouraging discussion in order to create familiarity with the change.

Thank you to all our parents who supported us on our visits.

Friday, November 7, 2014

What's the problem?

Problem Solving workshop 

Encouraging children to become great problem solvers.

A big thank you to parents today who took time out of their busy schedules to sit, eat cake, listen and share...we really enjoyed the opportunity to develop shared understanding of ways we can encourage children's problem                         solving strategies.

Problem Solving framework

1. What is my problem?

2. What is a solution?

3. What are more solutions?

4. What are the consequences?(in terms of safety, fairness and good feelings)

5. What is the best solution or choice?

6.  Am I using my plan?

7.  How did I do?

"Young children first need to develop a broad repertoire of possible positive solutions to choose from.  Then they can begin to understand that some solutions may have more satisfactory outcomes than others" (Carolyn Webster-Stratton).


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ephemeral Art - inspired by nature

Beautiful pieces
of Art
Inspired by nature

Ephemeral art is the process of using natural materials to create temporary art pieces that are captured in photo upon completion.  

The use of natural materials encourages children to explore with the senses, to slow down and take plenty of time with their work. 

Ann Pelo states “We want children to explore the sensuality and beauty of colour, texture, movement, lines and curves, and space through encounters with a wide range of media and materials.  We want children to strengthen the dispositions of artists..., dispositions to look carefully, to pay attention to detail and nuance, and to work with intention and awareness.  We want children to reflect on their experiences, to use their reflections to guide their explorations.” 

Ephemeral art creates the perfect atmosphere to achieve these goals and the children really seem to enjoy the experience.  

Back in September we introduced Ephemeral art to the inside area with some lovely work produced...

Today we took Ephemeral art outdoors...such a lovely day for it and just look at the beautiful art work the children created today.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Kitty and Bullet

"Living things especially animals fascinate children with their movement, appearance and behaviour" (C. Warden, 2007).

Today we had two visitors at kindergarten ... Kitty and Bullet! 
Two six week old goat kids.

We walked them around the kindergarten.

We touched them and patted them with love and kindness.

    "I just loved them sooo much"

  It created great conversations!