Bream Bay Kindergarten Video

Friday, February 21, 2014

Weaving magic

Olivia is the first to be inspired.  I model the process of weaving in and out through the strings as she watches intently and before too long she wants to have a turn.  She picks up the pattern quickly chanting "in and out, in and out" as she guides her wool across the frame.  

Sasha is drawn to the bicycle rims..."I wanna do some weaving today, but I don't know how" says Sasha.

Weaving for the first time can be pretty tricky.  I show Sasha the process and she focuses all of her concentration in order to succeed in her chosen activity.

"Under and over, under and over" says Sasha as she hones her weaving skills on the bicycle rim.

"I like this" says Sasha, "I really like this.              

 Look I'm doing it!"

It's not long before Sasha's enthusiasm and excitement draws attention.  Others want to know what she does...they want to be able to weave beautiful      creations too.

Becoming the expert.

Sasha shows Ava what to do.

"You just do under and over and over and pull the wool through, then it makes this pattern.  It's a beautiful pattern isn't it"  says Sasha as she demonstrates for Ava.

 Ava watches Sasha weave the wheel, then it's her turn. 

It's amazing the ripple is Adam's turn; a very keen to give it a go kind of guy! 

 Adam's creation inspires Hunter and it's          exciting stuff.  

Adam gives Hunter the run down of how it's done...

"First thing you do is go here and then go up down, up down, up down.  You do every single one again the                                            same" says Adam.

Hunter gets the hang of it...

"Pull, pull, pull" he says as he pulls the wool through the spokes.

 Next is Bentley and Max's turn...

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it" says Bentley.

Max is all concentration as he focuses threading the wool on the to wheel.

He seems to enjoy this quiet and creative activity.

Cheyenne notices the weaving wheel and is keen to add her flavour.  

As she investigates the easiest way to do it, her surprise and excitement is written all over her face...

"Yay, look, look, look" she says clapping her hands with glee.

Justin's sense of achievement is just as evident on his face...weaving can be challenging for small fingers and Justin is overjoyed with the results of his perseverance. What a beautiful piece of weaving!

Weaving magic...what learning is happening here

Developing hand - eye coordination
fine motor skills

Maths - early algebra, recognising patterns
positional language

Creativity, exploration, colour and textures

Problem solving, leadership skills, following instructions, expressing ideas, working together


Thursday, February 20, 2014

What do you rocken?

Last week an exciting delivery arrived in the form of a giant rock for our sandpit. 

Through the eyes of an adult you might say "Wow, a nice big rock", however through the eyes of a child it quickly becomes...

Think left and think right and think low and think high.  Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!
Dr Seuss

At Bream Bay Kindergarten we believe that creative and imaginative play helps develop children’s abstract thinking, literacy, maths and social competency skills.  Through play children experience opportunities to plan, negotiate, problem solve, set goals , express feelings, develop empathy and look at things from another perspective, through play children learn to become divergent thinkers.

In the words of Albert Einstein...
"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere."

Friday, February 14, 2014

Changes in the sandpit

We are excited to see a transformation taking place in our sandpit area...

A few weeks ago we received a trailer load of rocks to begin naturalising our sandpit space.

The children have already begun utilising the opportunities that these rocks offer.

Testing their skills and abilities, developing their confidence and offering them new ways to play.

Then today, a huge rock arrived to further develop the space! 

It was huge...and so exciting to watch it being lifted into place.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The cup song

The cup song was very popular at the end of last term...remembered I had this and thought you might get a kick out of watching it.  Enjoy!