
Thursday, September 9, 2021

A Little Bit of Happiness

It was great to catch up with some of our tamariki and whānau on Zoom last week and hear about what everyone has been doing to keep themselves busy, as well as the highs and lows that being in lockdown presents. Some expressed enjoyment towards the challenges that have been offered. So, collaboratively another challenge was made...

 'Show us in photos three things that make you feel happy.' 

We know how important it is to find the little things that make us feel good and find the bright parts in our days during these times. Appreciating happy experiences is a mindfulness practice that can help with our wellbeing, helping to manage feelings and calm minds.

"Focusing on the positive is not just a 'sentimental idea' but is actually grounded in current neuroscience. Our brains release dopamine (a feel good neurotransmitter) when we remember a happy moment in the same way as if we were actually experiencing it. Nurturing this practice overtime actually changes the way our brains are wired and impacts how we feel, think, and behave" (MindUp)

Rowan got the ball rolling by sharing her three: beach walks at sunrise, spending time with her family, and her new chickens...

It was awesome to see that some of our tamariki were up for the challenge!

What makes Aria happy is playing with her kindergarten friends. But other than that she loves to play with Spike (cat), doing baking and playing family games...

Yum! They look so good!

Playing with bubbles, playing and listening to music, and swimming and playing with water is what makes Alexis happy.

For Kendall it's all about her favourite people, like her 'nan nan'!! Grandparents have the best hugs don't they Kendall. Her mum and dad got a mention as well.

Tahuhu found it hard to narrow it down to just three. Happiness is... 

1. eating kai and doing his mahi

2. sharing with Jessy (the neighbour's dog) 

3. exploring the sand dunes and looking at his baby photos. 

Tahuhu, you're as happy now as you were as a baby.

Aiden's list of things that make him happy include playing tractors with his sister Hazel, tractors (I think I see a theme emerging here!), and playing outside on the deck on both wet and dry days. (Is that another tractor that I can see?)

Three of Tai’s favourite things to do include baking with his mama (especially licking off all the yummy), cuddles with his baby cuzzies, and helping outside in the garden.

Looking smooth in his sunnies!

Sandy's always going on about her sheep so it's no surprise that they made it onto her list of 3 things that make her happy. Her flowering ranunculus bulbs made it too. And she took a leaf out of Tahuhu's book for her last thing: a cup of tea and a good book to read.

Only Molly was nosy enough to come see what was going on!

Amiria loves going for walks and picking flowers. She has just learnt how to ride the quad and this is now her favourite thing to do. 

Clara finds happiness when she's bouncing on the trampoline, doing puzzles, and colouring in.

Evie had a really hard time to narrow it down to 3 things but after numerous discussions with her family some of the things that fill up Evie's bucket of happiness are baking, mixing and chopping (both in the kitchen and water/garden play outside), playing with Willa, Mummy and Daddy (especially horsey rides), as well as daily bike rides to the beach (Evie loves riding through the tunnel to get to the beach. There are also so many things to see, smell, hear and feel at the beach which is why it makes her so happy!)

Archer also found it difficult to choose only 3 things that make him happy but he narrowed it down to his family (especially spending so much time with his sisters), his favourite teddy named Foxy Foxy, and sleepovers in the lounge (which he asks for these every single day.)  

Irirangi says "My best part of the day is shooting hoops with my dad and brother. I am happy swinging high. I am happy because my car goes so fast on my track and it has lights".

It's been amazing to see all the different things that make us happy; our people, our pets, our places, and the things we enjoy doing. Revisiting or reminiscing about the things that make us happy strengthens our connections to them. Remember...

"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions"

(Dalai Lama.)

Thanks for staying in touch and sharing with us over the lockdown period. We're looking forward to seeing you and being with you at kindergarten soon! 

Arohanui from all of us at Bream Bay Kindergarten.