
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Beach Night 2023

Whānau events hold significant value for us here at Bream Bay Kindergarten.

The opportunity to create cherished memories through shared experiences, provides a way for us to foster a sense of belonging and connectedness to each other that is just so wholesome and good. Beach Night never fails to impress!


After last years wild and windy adventure, we were pleased with this years turn out of calm and tranquil.  The weather played the game perfectly and we were able to get on with the job of making fabulous sand sculptures, eating copious amounts of pizza and digging for sticks that miraculously turned to gold in the form of chocolate or healthy treats. 
 Altogether it was a fabulous event and we had a ball.


A big thank you to all those we came to make this such a special time. 
 Teachers did notice repeat attenders in the form of older children returning to once again enjoy beach night with us. 
 We love this...once a kindy kid, always a kindy kid!


Beach Night traditions that strengthen bonds between us, creating solidarity, opportunities to pass down community values, as well as offering comfort and sentimental value for the community we belong to. 
 Sounds pretty good to us!

 We had a fabulous time enjoying the company of good people, out in nature, refreshing good vibes.  A huge thankyou to our whanau for supporting this kaupapa and a special shout out to our wonderful kindy friends who make every day and moment unique and special!

Lasting memories to cherish that's for sure!

Arohanui, the team at Bream Bay Kindergarten