
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Singing super stars

Music and the performing arts feature strongly throughout the kindergarten day.  Often children will stage an impromptu performance, placing chairs invitingly out to entice an audience.  The microphone is always in hot demand!

Here are a few examples of the super singing stars at Bream Bay Kindergarten...

Kiani sings 'Twinkle, twinkle little star' beautifully
Judah sings the 'Morena' song with pride and growing confidence
The girls make a great band
And Oliver does an awesome rendition of 'ABC' ...well done everyone!



  1. Wow, what an awesome band! You girls look great :o)

  2. Yes aren't they clever! Thanks Emma for commenting...I'll let the girls know their fan base is growing. I'm sure they will be excited to know their 'work' is appreciated!

  3. Awesome to see the kids having so much fun and being encouraged to bloom...

  4. Hey parents...isn't Brody's song a great example of how children can learn different concepts through music.

    He provided the perfect opportunity to investigate seasons further. And he was so excited to be 'in charge' of the musical direction ...this learning experience was very empowering for him as his interest sparked the flame of learning.

    Good on you Brody...What a great singer song writer and musician you are!

