
Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today we bought out an overhead projector...yes a very big old box that shines light on the wall or ceiling. The tamariki were intrigued...what could it be? 

The children gathered around and explored it together. We explored coloured beads and people on the projector. Shortly after we began the children noticed that the light was shining up onto the ceiling. They moved the colours and shapes around the surface of the overhead and watched them move around the ceiling. 


 "Playing with light and dark creates magical                         experiences for all of us."  Thornton & Brunton (2009)

Today's light and dark experience offered our tamariki the opportunity to appreciate and explore the awe and wonder of the world around them. This light experience was a new experience for many of the children. It was a truly rich environment for the children to explore and develop their natural curiosity.

Opportunities such as these allow all of us, children and adults, to engage in sustained shared thinking while developing relationships where joy and fears are open for discussion (Thorton & Brunton, 2009).

This light experience held the children's attention for a long period of time. It was lovely to observe the children's language as they shared the experience together, appreciating the beauty of the light and the additional dimensions it gave to their normal day and play. 

Ka rawe tamariki - Awesome!!!

Making the Most of Light and Mirrors, Linda Thornton & Pat Brunton (2009) Featherstone Education
Young Children’s Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 3rd Edition, Marion Dowling (2009) SAGE.

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