
Friday, April 1, 2016

Moving = Learning

Lazer Maze

Teaching and learning intention...

Develop children's understanding of positional language such as under, over and through.

Children learn through play.  
We try to tap into this by creating interesting spaces where children are immersed in opportunities to...

And of course MOVE!

Catron & Allen state that young children are very much dependent on sensory learning and physical contact with their environment.  When play is sense based, it encourages children's active involvement and is relevant and meaningful to them since they find it easier to attend and remain interested.  When children are active in their play, learning becomes much easier (2007).

As children move, teachers add in language to cement their understanding of concepts.

"Charlie is going under the lazer.

Addison is going over the lazer.

Shylah is going through the lazer wires."

Language + Movement = Understanding!

This game is 
so much 

"Watch out...don't touch the lazer!"

What a fun activity with many children wanting to do this over and over again.  In fact all through the week we noticed a large quantity of children finding ways to include the lazer maze into their play in a variety of ways.

Nga mihi nui

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