
Monday, May 16, 2016

Spin Art - magic happens

We were so excited to have Jaia's Mum and Dad, Janine and Ringa, visit today to share their time and expertise to create dynamic pieces of art with the children through Spin Art. 

Such an epic day!  
We must applaud their patience, aroha and dedication to ensure all the children had a turn...many, many times over!  

Children just loved it and this turned it into an all day experience for Janine and Ringa. Ka pai to mahi!  Above and beyond the call of duty that's for sure!

Some children were intensely interested in the art process, while others were intrigued by the motor that turned the spinning wheel! 

 Charlie passes over his precious art work for Ringa to hang up to dry.

Ringa was kept very busy all day. 

What I loved to see and hear was the absolute respect for the children's creations from both Janine and Ringa throughout the day.  

Children were unhurried in the process to complete their work with Janine's gentle inquiry "How does that feel to you, do you feel it's ready?"  I thought this was such a beautiful way to get children thinking about their work.  Then Ringa showing absolute respect and care with the children's completed art pieces with the gentle handling of their work...their toanga, when hanging them up to dry...always commenting on how special their work was.

Such a lovely, lovely experience and children came away feeling pretty awesome about their talents and creativity!

This is just a snippet of the art pieces created today and I'm sure the tamariki will be very keen to show you their creations at kindergarten tomorrow!

The biggest and warmest heartfelt thank you to Janine and Ringa for sharing the day with us, it was so much fun and we appreciate you both immensely!


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