
Friday, October 14, 2016

# Relationships

The power of connecting with people...

Humans are social beings and relationships are fundamentally important to our well-being.  Our relationships with others stimulate feelings of belonging and with that sense of belonging, happiness and contentment thrive.  

The teaching team at Bream Bay Kindergarten are very mindful of this and therefore create opportunities for children to make connections and develop relationships.  In fact we believe relationships are the very foundation of a good settling routine...if children really feel that sense of belonging, they're generally happier and tend to settle quickly into the daily life of kindergarten. 

It's in our best interest to have happy well settled children, as this is when optimal learning can happen...happy, playful children are learning children!

Angela Owens states that “When children experience secure, supportive relationships, they feel respected and valued. This fosters the development of their self-confidence and their ability to act as independent agents in their personal care, and in the development and maintenance of successful relationships with others” (2012).  

Building relationships at kindergarten begins with a meaningful beginning through mihi whakatau...

 Haere mai, the words of Dave Dobbyn "welcome home...we've made a space for you now"

 After introductions are made and time is taken to kanohi ki te kanohi, connect 'face to face' with each other, teachers are in a better position to nurture relationships between children based on their strengths and interests.  We strive to set children up for success, creating environments that foster friendships through co-operation and collaboration together.

The power of friendship...finding common interests and having fun together in an inviting play space.

 Zoey and Jaia build 'New York' together.

 Braxton and Kiarn 'shoot the breeze' while making 'cups of tea' together

Family ties offer another dimension to developing that sense of belonging at kindergarten.  How amazing it is to be able to share the kindergarten journey with the most important people in your life. 

Brothers and sisters share the love and cousins look after cousins.  
Whanau is so precious!

  “When children feel well, happy, secure and socially successful they are able to fully participate in, and learn from, the daily routines, play, interactions and experiences in their early childhood setting.” (Angela Owens, 2012).

It's that simple really, relationships are key!

To our extended kindergarten family old and new, we wish you the warmest welcome to's been an awesome first week!  We're looking forward to creating some fun filled memories as we journey together through your child's early learning years.


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