Matariki celebrations, a time of year that we look forward to.
This year we ended our month long celebrations with a school...embracing new ways by using a kai cooker!
It's a group effort to work through the jobs and everyone wants to help!
Getting ready to peel and grate carrots.
Kelesha is up for the task.
We couldn't have done it without the expert help of one of our Dads, Nigel. He sure draws a crowd!
Thanks for your help Nigel!
The task of preparing kai together is a social event for our whanau. It's a great time to touch base and catch up.
During Matariki we celebrate our unique place in the world.
This year we ended our month long celebrations with a school...embracing new ways by using a kai cooker!
It's a group effort to work through the jobs and everyone wants to help!
Getting ready to peel and grate carrots.
Kelesha is up for the task.
It's a big job especially when kai finds it's way into the mouths of babes! Hmm tasty carrots ah Maia!
Olivier and Henare work hard to get the job done.
So do Alanni and Belle.
Ka pai to mahi, what a great job team!
Pumpkins are next on the to do list.
We couldn't have done it without the expert help of one of our Dads, Nigel. He sure draws a crowd!
Thanks for your help Nigel!
Potatoes and kumera are next on the agenda and more helpers turn up and get stuck in!
The task of preparing kai together is a social event for our whanau. It's a great time to touch base and catch up.
Quality control...our friends Raelene, Tracey, Julie and Gail check our kai for consistent sizes to ensure even cooking!
Being silly...Tania and Mathilda get ready to cut onions. Safety first!
Should of used the googles ah Julie and Simone?!
This year we were so pleased to have Jarrod (Aotea's Dad) and Hemi (Ella Breeze's Dad) as our hangi pit crew for the entire day.
An event such as this could simply not happen without help such as was given on the day. We were so grateful for their experience, guiding hand and generous gift of time and energy on the day.
The task of catering for 200 guests is no small undertaking and we appreciate all the help that we received from you both. To Jarrod and Hemi we say thank you, thank you, thank you!
Special thanks to Carl and Sammy for helping too.
Hangi Night
We learn about those who
came before us.
Our history. Our family. Our bones.
2017 marks our 30th anniversary.
30 years ago our community had a vision to create a vibrant learning environment for our youngest children within our own local area. Through the years we've developed a proud tradition and seen many generations come through
our learning space.
For Matariki we celebrated our 30 years with a gorgeous 'Mud Pit' cake.
Sonia, Jaclyn, Rose...3 generations, did the splendid job of cutting our cake for us. Sonia was one of our first ever Mum's. Her daughter Jaclyn, one of our first ever kindergarten children, and now 30 years later Rose, Jaclyn's daughter and Sonia's granddaughter, attends kindergarten.
Sonia, Jaclyn, Rose...3 generations, did the splendid job of cutting our cake for us. Sonia was one of our first ever Mum's. Her daughter Jaclyn, one of our first ever kindergarten children, and now 30 years later Rose, Jaclyn's daughter and Sonia's granddaughter, attends kindergarten.
Steve gave a heartfelt speech and his son Tawhiri did a wonderful job of saying Karakia.
Then it was time to bring out the kai. This year the teaching team were honoured to serve whanau their kai.
Cake for dessert...doesn't get any better than that!
Thanks Steve, Hemi and Carl for the stella job of cleaning the kai cooker! Epic!
To our many, many helpers on the day and leading up to our hangi, please take these few words as a personal and heartfelt thank you. It is your generosity, warmth and care that sustains us and ensures tamariki within
our community thrive!
Arohanui, Tania
Ma te wheturanga o Matariki
E tiki mai, e manaaki mai i a koe,
I a koutou ranei,
no te tau e take mai ana.
May the gentle light of Matariki
Guide and inspire you all this year.
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa