
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Its a ball Game

Much of how children play involves a wide range of physical and motor activitites, and most children are very keen to be involved with physical activities. At Bream Bay Kindergarten the children enjoy playing ball games. It is through these types of activities that children gain increasing control and awareness of their bodies and what they can and can not yet do e.g catch, hit or pass a ball (MOE, 1996).

"Look at this"- Lachlan

Playing ball games assists in refining exisiting motor skills and develops new ones. As stated in Programming and planning in early childhood settings (2008),  one of the fascinating things about motor skills is that they develop with practice.  Practice itself can take many forms, from the organised practice we associate with sports, to the every day play of children in a range of contexts.  Children who have both the opportunities and the inclination to practice specific skills can often suprise adults with their abilities. Similarly, children who have never had the opportunity to practise some skills will most likely seem uncoordinated when they first attempt these. How other children and adults react to these initial attempts will have a big influence on whether or not these skills are attempted again. A child's image of themselves (self-concept) and the images they believe others hold of them (self-esteem) are influenced by experiences such as these.

"I play league" - Terrance

As I play different ball games with children I am very impressed by how many children can catch and throw a ball, and how some children just instinctivly want to kick a ball.

With some positive praise the children were showing each other who could ran the fastest, or kick the highest or pass and bounce a ball with out dropping it.

"Its not how big you are, its how big you play" (John Wooden)

"I got this" -
"My brothers play soccor"- Aailyah

"Watch this Tracy, I can bounced" - Posiden

"Oh its a bit tricky" - Jacob

"I go to netball" - Lachlan

"Charlie plays rugby" - Georgia

Its a sharing game!

"I can get the ball" - Olivia

"Finn plays rugby"- Rose

"I got the ball" - Mathilda

"Uncle Paul taught me to bounce the ball" - Jessica

"Maddy plays netball, Patten plays soccor"- Sophia

"My boys play soccor, we got a ball from soccor" - Hunter

"Yeah, I like balls" - Braxton

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