
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Time to Slip, Slop, Slap, and Wrap

The last few days have felt like summer is finally upon us. While the mornings still have a cool freshness to them, the days are warming up pretty quickly, and by the afternoon it's just plain hot!

In term 4 at kindergarten we reintroduce our Sunsmart programme, reintroducing strategies to protect children from the harshness of the summer sun. This is effective in developing children’s understanding of sun protection and the importance of covering up and being sun conscious.You may have noticed that the shade sails are back up over the swings, sandpit, and playground providing additional protection from the sun. 

You also might have noticed the sunscreen station just outside the back door, consisting of sunscreen and mirrors. The sunscreen is available all day for the children to apply and reapply as they need to.


Right alongside the sunscreen station is the hat box. While we encourage every child to bring a hat from home to wear at kindergarten, we do ensure that we have spare hats for those times when children's hats get left at home. The children have quickly remembered that they need to wear their hats when playing outside. Throughout the day you hear the children reminding each other "No hat, no outside play!" when they forget to put on a hat before coming outside to play.

With so many hats to choose from, sometimes it can be hard finding one that's just right!


And sometimes wearing a hat makes playing and learning a bit tricky as Mia found out while trying to do the monkey bars!


We were very fortunate to have Holly from Orrs Unichem Pharmacy Ruakaka join us on Friday 1st December to deliver the sun-sense message of 'slip, slop, slap, and wrap' to the children - 'that's slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat, and wrap on some sunglasses.' The talk was an interactive one with the children sharing their knowledge and ideas about sun safety with Holly. 

The children were excited to show Holly the sunscreen station and how they could successfully apply their own sunscreen.

The early childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki (2017) states that "Children experience an environment where their health is promoted...Over time and with guidance and encouragement, children become increasingly capable of keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves... Children demonstrate confidence, independence, and a positive attitude towards self-help and self-care skills."


We wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to Warren, Holly and the team at Orrs Unichem Pharmacy in Ruakaka for their ongoing support of our Sunsmart Programme. We are extremely fortunate to belong to a community that cares.

"Being in the community is not the same as being part of the community... Being in the community points only to physical presence; being part of the community means having the opportunity to interact and form relationships with other community members" (Bogdan & Taylor)


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