
Friday, March 2, 2018

Lunch box revolution

At Bream Bay Kindergarten we're passionate about setting children up for success.  This is why we were excited to jump on board with an initiative called Under 5 Energize.  

This is a project that "works alongside early childhood centres in Te Tai Tokerau to improve eating and increase the quality and quantity of physical activity, both planned and spontaneous" (Sport Waikato, 2018).

This week we began our journey with a Parent Workshop focusing on healthy kai for under 5's.  We were very fortunate to have the expertise of Alana Pere and John Wikitera from Under 5 Energize, to guide our understanding and teach us about what food children under 5 need to eat every day to help them "Go, Grow and Glow!"  They talked about the four food groups; what they are, why we should eat them and how much a child under 5 needs.  They also talked about junk food verses real food and what these foods provide the body.

We learnt...
Children's stomachs are the size of their fist so portion sizes need to be small.  For children under 5, a serving size is only the size of two dried apricots.

Alana and John created a display that provoked our thinking.  It was interesting to visually see the sugar content in some common lunch box foods...

and the sugar in these popular drinks...

Developing whānau knowledge and awareness of healthy and nutritious food is important.  A big thank you to Alana and John, who provided some interesting and valuable information to us so that we can make informed decisions on healthy kai for our children...when we know better, we do better (Maya Angelou).

Lunch box revolution

Me mahi tahi tātou mō te oranga o te katoa, we should work together for the well-being of everyone

Mana atua (well-being) is an important foundation for our tamariki and as such is recognized as the first strand within Te Whariki for good reason. Good health and well-being set a strong foundation for success.

We are very lucky in our community that others understand the value of well-being too and were willing and able to help us create an environment that fosters healthy choices...

A generous offer by health conscious and caring whānau to gift lunch boxes for every child and promote healthy eating habits was tremendous and a lovely surprise for our tamariki and whānau!   

The biggest thank you to Adam and Nikki of Cadenshae, for their generosity and manaakitanga (care) through this initiative.  We have already seen huge changes in the types of healthy kai being offered to children and are excited by our lunch box revolution.  The amazing effort parents have put in to create healthy options for their tamariki has been outstanding!  

As one parent said "This lunch box gift is amazing, the compartments just make you think more about what you can put in their lunches.  I've never thought to give cut up vegetables like this before and it's great that all of the children have them because they are more likely to try different foods if this is what their friends are doing too.  I just love it, thank you so much."

Tamariki are loving the lunch boxes too!  Conversation on 'Glow Food' is a daily occurrence during kai time now which is wonderful to hear.

"I've got glow food, I've got kiwi fruit" said Zoey.
"Glow food makes your hair glow" said Maia.
"We have to be healthy" said Noah.
"So we can get big and strong" Maia.
"Look at how strong I am" said Lincoln.

"I've got two strong muscles.  My Dad cuts tomatoes for tea" said Jacob.

"You get strong muscles when you eat glow food.  Glow food is apples, pears, grapes, banana" said Asher.  "You get strong muscles and grow like a T-Rex.  Roarrrrr" said Asher.


Children are becoming more adventurous and are enjoying trying a variety of fruits and vegetables alongside their friends.

A key part of learning about and adopting healthy lifestyles involves children seeing these modelled positively and enthusiastically by the important people in their lives, including their peers, families, communities and early childhood educators. Learning about healthy lifestyles often occurs most effectively when educators identify and use the learning opportunities in everyday experiences...(Angela Owens, 2012)

"I love hapsicum" said Asher.
"Do you mean capsicum?" asked Tania.
"Yeah hapsicum, I love hapsicum" replied Asher.

"That thingy that's in my hand tastes like yummy" said Max about the gherkin he was eating. 
"Carrot is my favourite to eat" said Nat.
"Oranges are my favourite thing" said Hunter.

 Tips and tricks that whānau have shared with us...

Frozen peas, popcorn, celery with peanut butter, mini muffins can be frozen and put in lunch box each day, dinner left overs such as potato, meat, cooked pasta etc...mousetraps, wraps, club sandwiches, sushi, boiled eggs, sticks of cheese, frozen berries, nuts, carrot sticks, capsicum sticks, hummus, broccoli, tinned fruit, cherry tomatoes

 "Strawberries are my favourite food" said Larnie.
"Grapes are my favourite" said Waituhi.  "Grapes is glow food, it makes you grow."

Learning about how to live in a healthy way, and being able to take increasing responsibility for making good health choices and caring for themselves, enables children to experience wellbeing in their present lives, and lays the foundation for a healthy lifestyle in the future. (Angela Owens, 2012)

Our final words go to Adam and Nikki, 
with heartfelt thanks... 
When asked..."What would you say to the people who gave you the lunch box?"  Sophia replied...

"I would say thank you for giving that lunch box to me because I like it.  I like the colours of the lunch box.  Pink and purple are my favourite colours and I get to eat the healthy food like carrots and tomotoes and some lettuce.  Lettuce is healthy food.  It's good to be healthy.  Thank you."

Ngā mihi nui

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