
Friday, March 1, 2019

Waitangi Day Celebrations - 2019

Waitangi Day Celebrations 2019

"Partnership - Participation - Protection"

We had lots of fun playing games including a special treat where our tamariki had the opportunity to experience spin and marble art and bubble wands which contributed to the most amazing day. As well as art and bubbles, there was also the opportunity to try kite making by weaving Nikau Palm. 

We all enjoyed shared kai that included treats like watermelon, fruit platters, kiwi slices, pikelets and mini pavlova. After kai the tamariki participated in a feet decorating activity before taking part in our classic 'kiwi feet' parade. The day was complete when we had fun with the water squirts and slippery slide.

Spin Art

Belle and Leo's Mum Kat was a tireless support at the spin art machine.  This was a waiting game as every child wanted to have a turn...sometimes more than one turn!  Kat played the game well, showing great warmth, kindness and enthusiasm to all the children as they waited patiently.  
Thank you Kat, you are a super star!


Paua's Mum Janine is the gift that keeps on giving! 

 Janine is the kind of person who always puts her hand up to help, even going the extra mile to partner with the teaching team to offer extraordinary learning experiences for tamariki attending our centre.  Spin art, marbling and bubble wands were due to her generosity.  We are so grateful for Janine, her creativity, her generosity, aroha, warmth and respect for people is a real asset to our learning community.  Thanks Janine!

Kia maumahara ke tōnā mana āhua ake
Cherish your absolute uniqueness


We had so many parents come to share their time, energy, aroha and support on the day. Our heartfelt thanks goes to each and everyone of them for making this such a spectacular day.

Weaving was a lovely game to play under the shade of the big tree.  We express our gratitude to Angela and Raelene for their gentle support and guidance towards children attempting a very tricky activity!


Bubble wands

After all this activity it's time for kai...
Kiwi kai

'Kiwi Feet' decorating

Who would have thought that painting 'kiwi feet' would be so much fun!  A massive thank you to all our parents for supporting and joining children in this quirky activity, you're awesome!

 But wait there's more...

What an absolutely fabulous day!  It's great to be a Kiwi...we had so much fun!

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