If you could learn anything, what would you learn?
Often times when we ask this question the response is usually, 'MONKEY BARS!'
After some research, we found this tool to use from the Inspired Treehouse website called '10 Days to Conquer the Monkey Bars'. Helping children to achieve their goals is important to us and this offered practical steps to success.
An important aspect of goal setting is brainstorming positive ways to get through any difficulties. At the start of every challenge we ask "If you feel like giving up, what will you do instead?"
Irie said "Go back again"
"Keep trying cause that's what we always do. Keep doing, you can do it, keep trying!" said Alexis.
"Try a different way. Try so much until you know how. Practice or maybe I'll show them how I do it (if you see someone giving up), say I'll help you, remember how I did it" said Brodie.
"Goal setting with kids is such an important way to help them build confidence in their own abilities, boost their self-esteem and improve their focus. It also helps to teach them responsibility and independence." (Holly Conners)
1. Squeeze a squishy ball 20 times with each hand.
2. Hold plank position for as long as you can 5 times.

1. Crumple 10 pieces of paper, then tear paper into small pieces.

"Why is this tough?" said Harvey tearing up the paper, "cause it is tough" he said answering his own question!
2. Wheel barrow walk the length of the room 5 times.
"I felt great about the wheel barrow. I found it hard, it made my body feel brave. It was sore, it made my hands sore, it's still sore!" said Alexis.
"It was quite hard using my hands to walk. I tried, I would never give up!" said Aiden.
1. Hang on a bar for as long as you can 5 times.
"It was sore on my arms...it was really good!" said Bodhi.
"I did a lot. It made my muscles bigger" said Leo.
"I'm pretty tough. I was tired for holding so long" said Harvey.
"My feet are so long. I've been holding on so long. My armpits are so sore for holding on so long. It was great" said Alexis.
"My hands are hurting, it's red" said Blake.
2. Climb something! A ladder, a rock wall, playground equipment...anything!

"I was going up and down, up and down. It was feeling my hands a bit red" said Blake talking about his sore red hands.
1. Play with play dough.
"I'm gonna make something, does that make me strong?" said Aiden.
2. Hold plank position for as long as you can 5 times.
"It's sore" said Irie, "I want to try it again!"
"I couldn't keep doing it, my arms were sore" said Leo.
"I'm feeling sore from the planks" said Alexis.
1. Squeeze a squishy ball 20 times with each hand.
"This hands the weak hand. I'm learning, I just keep on learning" said Bodhi.2. Hang on a bar and swing back and forth by kicking your legs.
1. Crumple 10 pieces of paper, then tear paper into small pieces.

"I'm nearly finished...on day 10 I'll be finished" said Harvey.
"My muscles getting ouch" said Irie.
"It's hard holding onto the bar this long cause my arms weren't strong, I was tired" said Brodie.
2. Wheel barrow walk the length of the room 5 times.
"Lift my body. It hurt my arms. I feeling a bit tired at the end" said Leo."I'm tired from the wheel barrow walk, it was hard for my arms" said Brodie.
"I feel good...bad...I need a rest! This is good for my body" said Leo lying down for a rest!
"Hard, yeah hard. That's right, I win!" said Bossy.
"It was hurting me, my arms, the wheel barrow" said CJ.
"Not bad at all" said Aiden. "I don't like doing the wheel barrow. 1 cause it's hard!"
1. Hang on a bar for as long as you can 5 times.
"I think it's great, doing the actual monkey bars" said Aiden.

2. Attempt monkey bars 5 times with adult stabilizing legs.

1. Tie balloon loosely to one bar. Hang, swing with legs and try to grab balloon with feet.
"Me want to do more cause it makes my muscles strong. Me really want to do another challenge" said Leo.
"It was good cause I thought it was a bit tricky" said Brodie. 2. Animal walks (Bear, Crab)
1. Attempt monkey bars 5 times with adult stabilizing legs.
"I'm gonna wipe my hands on my pants, I'm gonna try again. My hands are sore, I'll just have a little rest. My arms are sore, I did the monkey bars and it made my arms sore. My arms are crackling a bit and shaking" said Bodhi.
"I did the monkey bars, it used all of my energy. I'm like a dead fish now!" said Bodhi.

2. Hold plank position for as long as you can 5 times.

1. Attempt monkey bars 2 times with adult stabilizing legs.
2. Try it on your own!
"Keep trying to get better and do all of them. Me can do anything tricky. Keep doing it, TRY! Even climbing big trees" said Leo.

"My hands hurt. Try myself, I'll keep trying. It makes you stronger!" said Leo.
Children eagerly awaited every challenge and did an amazing job at working towards their goal of doing the monkey bars.
Children have learnt about the importance of persisting through challenging times to achieve their goal. Throughout this experience, children have shown a 'can-do' attitude which is a fantastic tool to have for a successful and fulfilling life.
"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going" (Earl Nightingale)
Hope you've enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed working through the Monkey Bar challenge with children! It was great fun!!
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