Bream Bay Kindergarten Video

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Clever Isaac!

Developing Self-esteem through active movement. on PhotoPeach


  1. Isaac you are so courageous! I was very impressed how you jumped off the yellow box at the end of the slide show...even though I know this was a bit tricky and scary for you to do! You are so good at trying new things...I loved the way you bent your knees when you jumped off the box. Awesome work Isaac, ka pai to mahi!

  2. Nice one Isaac!!! Great to see you so active in your kindy environment. Thanks to Tania, us parents can feel a closer connection to the kindy by seeing and hearing on the blog! Its awesome. Jase and Shan

  3. Hey Jase and Shan, thank you so much for your feedback. You're making a difference!

    One of the main ideas behind offering the blog is to strengthen children's learning. When children get positive feedback and comments about what they do, it inspires them to work harder, do more and set new challenges and goals. Your comments really make the difference! Isaac will get a real kick out of hearing all the positive things people have to say.

    I love the blog, it's a real pleasure to be able to offer busy parents an insight to their child's day. Thanks again for taking the time to comment, I really do appreciate it!

    Cheers Tania.
