In recognition of a job well done
I'd like to take this opportunity to share our news and celebrate team success for achieving a result of "very well placed to promote positive outcomes for children" from the Education Review Office (ERO, 2015). This sees us on a 4 year review cycle which we think is pretty cool and acknowledges all the work we do at Bream Bay kindergarten.
"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do" (Pelē).
Part of the review process required us to put forward thorough documentation that showcased our programme and work with children and families. Added to this we hosted review officers within our centre for a day where they took opportunities to appraise our practice and curriculum for quality education. Here are some of their findings...
Teachers' professional knowledge and research-focused approaches impact on the ways they present the environment. They place a strong emphasis on affirming and celebrating children and families..." (ERO, 2015).
This latest report will be available to read on line after the 23 September 2015 at, meanwhile we have a copy at kindergarten if you'd like to read.
To Donna, Rowan and Sandy...caring teachers who ensure interactions with children are centred on respect, warmth and affection. You continue to grow your practice by challenging your thinking and looking for new ways to ensure the environment and teaching practices offer a variety of new learning opportunities that enhance learning outcomes for children. Thank you for your positive attitudes, the care and support you offer on a daily basis, your on going professionalism but most of all, for just being you! The work you do is outstanding and is much appreciated!
Arohanui, Tania.
To our wonderful network of parents who take time out of their busy lives to join us on this journey...thank you, we appreciate you too!
And of course to the children of our kindergarten, we always hope that the memories created during your time with us are filled with feelings of joy and happiness, surprise, mystery and is truly a privilege to spend time with you.
That's it really, we're a bit excited!
Thanks for visiting,
Nga mihi nui,
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